Rama Points out to Sita the Different Regions

Permitted by Rama, the excellent airship, which was as large as a cloud, made a loud whoosh as it took off. Casting His glance all around, Rama then spoke to Sita, whose face shone like the moon:

“O Princess of Videha, just see the city of Lanka built by Vishvakarma on the top of Trikuta Mountain, which resembles Mount Kailasa. See the battlefield muddied with flesh and blood where a great slaughter of monkeys and rakshasas took place. Here lies Ravana, lord of the rakshasas, who was given boons and was therefore very harmful. I slew Ravana for Your sake, O broad-eyed lady. Here is where Kumbhakarna was killed, and the night-stalker Prahasta. Here is where the monkey Hanuman killed Dhumraksha. Here is where the great Sushena killed Vidyunmaali. Here is where Lakshmana killed Ravana’s son Indrajit in combat. Here is where Angada killed the rakshasa named Vikata, Sugreeva killed Virupaksha, Rishabha killed Mahaparshva and Nila killed Mahodara. Hanuman also killed Akampana and other powerful rakshasas.

Here did Ravana’s consort Mandodari surrounded by one thousand prominent co-wives lament. Here, O lovely lady, is seen the place where We crossed the ocean. Here is the bridge built over the salt ocean under My command. Though difficult to execute, it was constructed by Nala on account of You, O broad-eyed one. O Sita, just see the imperturbable ocean with is the abode of Varuna. It is boundless, roaring and filled with conch shells and mother-of-pearl. See the golden Mount Mainaka, which has a core of gold. It rose up, splitting the ocean, in order to offer Hanuman a rest. Here is the shore of the ocean upon which Our army camped before crossing. Here is that ford of the ocean which will be known and honored by the three worlds as “Setubandha.” It is a very holy place capable of destroying great sins. Here is where the king of the rakshasas Vibhishana came to Us. Here is seen the charming city of Kishkindha with its lovely forest, and where I killed Vali.”

Upon seeing the city of Kishkindha formerly protected by Vali, Sita, who was agitated by affection, spoke the following humble words: “O king, I would like to accompany You to the capital Ayodhya surrounded by Sugreeva’s wives headed by Tara and these other monkey lord’s wives.” Hearing Sita’s request, Rama replied to Her: “So be it!” When the airship reached Kishkindha and stopped, Rama looked at Sugriva and said: “O tiger among monkeys, tell all these eminent monkeys that they should accompany Sita to Ayodhya with their wives, and you should do likewise with your wives, O mighty one. Hurry, Sugreeva! We are going!”

Instructed in this way by Rama, Sugreeva, accompanied by all the glorious monkey leaders, at once entered his residential quarters. Seeing Tara, he said: “My dear, by the sweet will of Sita, Rama has given permission for you to accompany us with the wives of the other monkeys. Please hurry up! Taking the wives of the monkeys, we shall proceed to Ayodhya and show you all of King Dasharatha’s wives.” Hearing Sugreeva’s instruction, Tara, whose every limb was lovely, summoned all the monkey wives and said: “Sugreeva’s has given us permission to accompany all the monkeys, thus you will do me a favor by letting me see Ayodhya. We shall also see Rama’s entrance into Ayodhya surrounded by the citizens of the region, as well as the opulence of all of King Dasharatha’s wives.”

With the permission of Queen Tara, all the wives of the monkeys decorated themselves appropriately and circumambulated the airship and boarded it with the desire to see Sita. When Rama saw that the airship had soon taken off with the monkeys’ wives aboard, He said to Sita while They were in the vicinity of Rishyamuka Mountain:

“Behold Rishyamuka Mountain, the best of mountains with veins of gold and other metals, resembling a cloud interspersed with lightning. Here I met the lord of monkeys, Sugreeva, and made a pact with him for the slaughter of Vali. Here is seen Lake Pampa with clumps of lotuses and lovely forests, where I lamented in great anxiety due to separation from You. On the bank of this lake I met Shabari, who was engaged in the practice of virtue. And here is where I killed the demon Kabandha, whose arms were one yojana long. There You can see in Janasthaana that splendorous tree under which a great battle took place between the merciless Ravana and the great soul Jataayu on Your behalf. Janasthaana is also where I killed Khara, Duushana and the most valiant Trishira with straight-shooting arrows.

“Here is the site of Our hermitage, O lovely lady, and the charming leaf hut from whence You were forcibly abducted by the lord of the rakshasas, Ravana. Here is the charming Godavari River, whose clean waters are pleasant. Here is seen the hermitage of the sage Agastya surrounded by banana trees. This shining hermitage belongs to the great soul Suteekshna. Here is seen the large hermitage of the sage Sharabhanga, where the thousand-eyed Lord Indra had come. At this place I killed the giant demon Viradha. O slender-waisted lady, here are seen those ascetics at the hermitage directed by Atri, who is as brilliant as the sun. Here You met his austere wife engaged in practicing virtue.

“There shine Mount Chitrakuta, where Bharata came to seek My favor. Here is seen the charming Yamuna River bordered by beautiful groves of trees. Here, O Princess of Mithila, is seen the hermitage of the glorious Bharadvaja. Here is seen the holy Ganges River which flows through the three worlds. Its banks are crowded with many kinds of birds and trees in full bloom. Here is Shringerapura, where My friend Guha lives. Here is the Sarayu River lined with sacrificial posts. On its banks are forests of hundreds of kinds of trees in full bloom. Here, O Sita, is My father’s capital Ayodhya. O Princess of Videha, offer respects to Ayodhya, now that You have returned.”

Thereafter all the monkeys and rakshasas along with Vibhishana jumped up with excitement to see the city.

Thus completes 123rd Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate